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Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm

Closed Sundays


17750 Greeno Road

Fairhope, AL


17750 Greeno Road

Fairhope, AL


Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm

Closed Sundays

Coles Bagged Bird Seed

$21.99 USD
All Seed Cannot Be Shipped,In Store Purchase Only
Blue Ribbon Blend

If you only want to use one feed and attract the greatest variety of wild birds, then it’s Blue Ribbon Blend™ all the way. A traditional mix done right, we guarantee you’ll get the best combination of perch and ground feeding birds with this one.

Perch feeders come looking for sunflower and boy do they get it with Blue Ribbon! Ground feeders go crazy for their favorites, white millet and cracked corn. It’s a Win-Win for everyone! Try it and see the difference at your feeder.

Special Feeder 

Special Feeder™ has all of the good stuff. This unique mix is a high-energy treat for many birds.

Originally developed for use in pavilion-like, wooden feeders that prevent smaller seeds from being kicked out for ground feeders, Special Feeder™ soon became a customer favorite for every type of feeder. Now it’s our most popular blend because it attracts the greatest number of wild birds than any other mix out there. Plus woodpeckers absolutely love the pecans!

Hot Meats 

Nutritious sunflower meats infused with fiery hot habanero chilies, Hot Meats™ are a great no waste, no mess feed. Chock full of vitamins A and D as well as carotene, chili peppers are an excellent natural source of nutrition for birds.

Why do birds love the spicy flavor? Well, the chili pepper plant evolved over time to be attractive to birds that make it a meal. When a bird eats a chili, the seeds remain intact and pass through the bird’s droppings where they are spread over a wide area to grow and multiply. So chili peppers may taste hot to mammals like people, but birds do not feel the heat at all – all they taste is “Mmm Mmm Good!”

Bluebirds and cardinals are especially fond of the hot Cajun flavor. With Cole’s Hot Meats™ you’ll get more bird visits than ever before!

Cajun Cardinal 

 Even wild birds like a little Cajun spice now and then, so we’ve combined the fiery hot chilies of Hot Meats™ with straight Safflower (a favorite of cardinals) to create a surefire winner.

Provide a special oasis for your feathered friends to enjoy and get more birds at your feeder than ever before with Cole’s Cajun Cardinal Blend™.

Oil Sunflower 

 Black oil sunflower is the number one choice of almost all seed eating songbirds. Cole’s Oil Sunflower is the absolute highest-grade black oil sunflower out there. It’s over 99% pure and cleaned four times to ensure that you get more seed and fewer sticks. Plus it’s positively chock full of oil. You want as much oil in your sunflower as you can get because that’s what attracts the birds. So, our high-grade, high-oil sunflower means more birds at your bird feeder.

Dried Meal Worms 

Easier to feed and less messy than live mealworms, these energy packed morsels are Mother Nature’s perfect treat for all your insect loving songbirds.


Flavor Mix